Beauty first creative agency
We’re an award-winning independent creative agency specializing in beauty. With more than 20 years of experience working for the leading companies, we make consumers fall in love with your brand globally from our headquarters in Barcelona.
Modern society calls for creativity and emotions.In a digital and globalized world, we embrace emotions, creativity, and art as a means of connecting with society. This is our exclusive way of generating permanent, lasting value and impact.
For brands
We bring value to the world of brands and exclusive products through creativity and innovation, with incredible service flexibility and customer attention.
For society
We bring value to society by creating exciting and intimate brand experiences that represent and fulfill the expectations and dreams of customers.
For experts
We bring value to the expert world of exclusive products through creativity and innovation that excel in performance, soul, and operations.
Our team
Juan Campderà
Camil Castellà
Founding Partner
Dani Alonso
Design team manager
Ferran Obiols
Sales manager
Tania Bergillos
Key account manager
Ayat Rhomari
Key account manager
Javi Rodríguez
Administration & HR manager
Laia Salom
Marketing social networks
Laia Arraut
Graphic designer
Ileana Cortez
Graphic designer
Anna Gené
Industrial designer
Dani Esquitino
Industrial designer
Neus Pérez
Designer, CGI & Video
Antonio Ortiz
Digital designer
Aira Sans
Designer, CGI
Ángel Peñafiel
Designer CGI - 3D & Motion
Judit Gracia
Final arts, production
Hakim Bookkabous
Key account digital manager
Natalia Cuadrado
Graphic designer
Carolina Sojoguti
Project manager assistant
Paula Piñero
Marketing & Web Designer
Inés Herms
Digital designer
Pau Navarro
Digital designer